Please help us to break the taboo about possibly one of the world’s most tabooed disease…. Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). This is an extremely painful, debilitating, and chronic skin disease that nobody dares to talk about! That’s why HS patients feel the letters of HS switch places and become sh…. as in shhhhh….. All HS patients need your help to break the taboo, and the silence so that the MILLIONS of HS patients can get valued and clarification that can help to change their life. I am helping….. can you? The a #Shhhhhelfie and share with everyone. Don’t forget to add the hash tag #DonateAShh so come on everyone donate a shh today! This campaign was launched by the Danish patient association and I think it’s a brilliant way to raise awareness. #hsneedsacure #hs #hswarrior #hidradenitissuppurativaawareness webmaster Please help us to break the taboo about possibly one of the world’s most tabooed disease…. Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). This is an extremely painful, debilitating, and chronic skin disease that nobody dares to talk about! That’s why HS patients feel the letters of HS switch places and become sh…. as in shhhhh….. All HS patients need your help to break the taboo, and the silence so that the MILLIONS of HS patients can get valued and clarification that can help to change their life. I am helping….. can you? The a #Shhhhhelfie and share with everyone. Don’t forget to add the hash tag #DonateAShh so come on everyone donate a shh today! This campaign was launched by the Danish patient association and I think it’s a brilliant way to raise awareness. #hsneedsacure #hs #hswarrior #hidradenitissuppurativaawareness Read More »
#donateashh #hidradenitissuppurativaawareness #invisibleillness #pain #suffering webmaster #donateashh #hidradenitissuppurativaawareness #invisibleillness #pain #suffering Read More »
Hjælp med at bryde tabuet for Danmarks mest tabubelagte sygdom; HS – en smertefuld hudsygdom, som ingen tør tale om. Derfor oplever patienterne, at bogstaverne i HS bytter plads og bliver til sh…som i Shh. De har brug for vores hjælp til at bryde tabuet, så dem af vores venner – eller de 110.000 andre danskere, der er ramt af HS – kan få hjælp og afklaring. Det kan ændre deres liv – og det vil jeg gerne hjælpe med. Vil du? #DonateAShh #hidradenitissuppurativaawareness #hidrosadenitesupurativa webmaster Hjælp med at bryde tabuet for Danmarks mest tabubelagte sygdom; HS – en smertefuld hudsygdom, som ingen tør tale om. Derfor oplever patienterne, at bogstaverne i HS bytter plads og bliver til sh…som i Shh. De har brug for vores hjælp til at bryde tabuet, så dem af vores venner – eller de 110.000 andre danskere, der er ramt af HS – kan få hjælp og afklaring. Det kan ændre deres liv – og det vil jeg gerne hjælpe med. Vil du? #DonateAShh #hidradenitissuppurativaawareness #hidrosadenitesupurativa Read More »