#DonateAShh for de 2% af alle danskere der lever med hudsygdommen HS. En meget tabubelagt hudsygdom, som næsten ingen kender eller har hørt om. Jeg lever med HS og har gjort det siden jeg var teenager. Med medicin (og en enkelt operation) har jeg det bedre end før, men til tider stadig i et smertehelvede. Mine ar viser at jeg er stærk. #hs #hidrosadenitis #tabu #smuksomjeger #spredbudskabet #barefordiduikkekansedet #betyderikkeatdetikkeerder Support the people that shuffer from #HS I have had #HS since I was a teenager. A very painful and unknown skin disease. With the help of numerous pills and an operation, I feel better today that I have felt. My scars show I am strong #spreadawareness #findacure #justbecauseyoucantseeitdoesntmeanitsnotthere webmaster #DonateAShh for de 2% af alle danskere der lever med hudsygdommen HS. En meget tabubelagt hudsygdom, som næsten ingen kender eller har hørt om. Jeg lever med HS og har gjort det siden jeg var teenager. Med medicin (og en enkelt operation) har jeg det bedre end før, men til tider stadig i et smertehelvede. Mine ar viser at jeg er stærk. #hs #hidrosadenitis #tabu #smuksomjeger #spredbudskabet #barefordiduikkekansedet #betyderikkeatdetikkeerder Support the people that shuffer from #HS I have had #HS since I was a teenager. A very painful and unknown skin disease. With the help of numerous pills and an operation, I feel better today that I have felt. My scars show I am strong #spreadawareness #findacure #justbecauseyoucantseeitdoesntmeanitsnotthere Read More »
#donateashh I look rough and extremely tired! But I don’t care, because at the minute I’m feeling okay with my #HS But I know it’s only going to be a few days, or a week around the corner and I’ll be back to feeling ill!! But no one ever knows, as I just place a smile on my face 😊 Because if society can’t see it, it isn’t happening right?!? 😂 Take a picture like mine and use the hashtag #DonateAShh to show support for the people that suffer from #HS #HidradenitisSuppurativa It is a very lonely condition, so let’s raise some awareness for it!! #Share #Support #AWARENESS #FindACure Find out more about the condition webmaster #donateashh I look rough and extremely tired! But I don’t care, because at the minute I’m feeling okay with my #HS But I know it’s only going to be a few days, or a week around the corner and I’ll be back to feeling ill!! But no one ever knows, as I just place a smile on my face 😊 Because if society can’t see it, it isn’t happening right?!? 😂 Take a picture like mine and use the hashtag #DonateAShh to show support for the people that suffer from #HS #HidradenitisSuppurativa It is a very lonely condition, so let’s raise some awareness for it!! #Share #Support #AWARENESS #FindACure Find out more about the condition Read More »