#donateashh I look rough and extremely tired! But I don’t care, because at the minute I’m feeling okay with my #HS But I know it’s only going to be a few days, or a week around the corner and I’ll be back to feeling ill!! But no one ever knows, as I just place a smile on my face 😊 Because if society can’t see it, it isn’t happening right?!? 😂 Take a picture like mine and use the hashtag #DonateAShh to show support for the people that suffer from #HS #HidradenitisSuppurativa It is a very lonely condition, so let’s raise some awareness for it!! #Share #Support #AWARENESS #FindACure Find out more about the condition webmaster #donateashh I look rough and extremely tired! But I don’t care, because at the minute I’m feeling okay with my #HS But I know it’s only going to be a few days, or a week around the corner and I’ll be back to feeling ill!! But no one ever knows, as I just place a smile on my face 😊 Because if society can’t see it, it isn’t happening right?!? 😂 Take a picture like mine and use the hashtag #DonateAShh to show support for the people that suffer from #HS #HidradenitisSuppurativa It is a very lonely condition, so let’s raise some awareness for it!! #Share #Support #AWARENESS #FindACure Find out more about the condition Read More »