Sociale Hashtags

I dag setter vi fokus på #HS (hidradenitis suppurativa)!en diagnose som er ganske så vanlig, men godt skjult. Også for helsevesen!! Så jeg hiver meg på den internasjonale awareness kampanjen og donerer et bilde for saken. #donateAShh doner et Shh du og!

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I dag setter vi fokus på #HS (hidradenitis suppurativa)!en diagnose som er ganske så vanlig, men godt skjult. Også for helsevesen!! Så jeg hiver meg på den internasjonale awareness kampanjen og donerer et bilde for saken. #donateAShh doner et Shh du og! Read More »

#DonateAShh 😌 .. Jeg er desværre en ud af de 2 % der lider af hudsygdommen HS! Men jeg er virkelig taknemmelig for at der nu, endelig, kommer fokus på denne smertefulde og tabubelagte sygdom! 🙏🏼 @patientforeningenhsdanmark

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#DonateAShh 😌 .. Jeg er desværre en ud af de 2 % der lider af hudsygdommen HS! Men jeg er virkelig taknemmelig for at der nu, endelig, kommer fokus på denne smertefulde og tabubelagte sygdom! 🙏🏼 @patientforeningenhsdanmark Read More »

Var i GO morgen DK i morges med de her to seje kvinder, der skulle tale om den tabubelagte og ukendte hudsygdom HS. Bagefter blev der doneret et shh med Mikkel Kryger😊🙌🏼 #donateashh #gladpatientforening #vigtigsag #spredbudskabet #danmarksmesttabubelagtesygdom @patientforeningenhsdanmark

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Var i GO morgen DK i morges med de her to seje kvinder, der skulle tale om den tabubelagte og ukendte hudsygdom HS. Bagefter blev der doneret et shh med Mikkel Kryger😊🙌🏼 #donateashh #gladpatientforening #vigtigsag #spredbudskabet #danmarksmesttabubelagtesygdom @patientforeningenhsdanmark Read More »

Please help us to break the taboo about possibly the world’s most tabooed disease…. Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). This is an extremely painful, debilitating, and chronic skin disease that nobody dares to talk about! That’s why HS patients feel the letters of HS switch places and become sh…. as in shhhhh….. All HS patients need your help to break the taboo, and the silence so that the MILLIONS of HS patients can get valued and clarification that can help to change their life. I am helping….. can you? The a Shhhhhelfie and share with everyone. Don’t for get to add the hash tag #DonateAShh so come on everyone donate a shh today! This campaign was launched by the Danish patient association and I think it’s a brilliant way to raise awareness. For more information about this campaign please visit or contact Anders Vulpius Christensen or Trine Bremer Langkow 😚💖💖

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Please help us to break the taboo about possibly the world’s most tabooed disease…. Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). This is an extremely painful, debilitating, and chronic skin disease that nobody dares to talk about! That’s why HS patients feel the letters of HS switch places and become sh…. as in shhhhh….. All HS patients need your help to break the taboo, and the silence so that the MILLIONS of HS patients can get valued and clarification that can help to change their life. I am helping….. can you? The a Shhhhhelfie and share with everyone. Don’t for get to add the hash tag #DonateAShh so come on everyone donate a shh today! This campaign was launched by the Danish patient association and I think it’s a brilliant way to raise awareness. For more information about this campaign please visit or contact Anders Vulpius Christensen or Trine Bremer Langkow 😚💖💖 Read More »